Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Surprise ~ Long Time, No Blog!

Can you believe that I am blogging?!?  For the first time  in several months, I thought that I would take a moment and update you on what is happening in my life.  First and foremost, I want to say “Thank You” to all of you that have emailed me questions and told me that you have missed my blogging.  I personally miss blogging as well, but with me being a working Mom… it leaves me very little time to spend blogging.  I am still working for the cardiologist office and enjoy it for the most part.  Things are especially difficult right now because Cameron has been real sick.  We took him to the ER on Monday for difficulty breathing and they diagnosed him with asthma.  My poor little man must get that from his Momma.  Anyway, he is doing a little better tonight and is due to go see the allergist/pulmonary doctor on Monday.  He is also scheduled to have tubes put back into his ears on Jan 10th and also have his adenoids taken out.  So, as you can see, I have my hands full.


It has been especially hard to see him having such a hard time breathing.  I know what it is like and it is down right scary.  He is now on his 5th round of antibiotics, 2nd round of steroids and round the clock breathing treatments/inhaler treatments.  So, you can imagine how miserable he has been and how tired we all are.  If you could just keep him in your daily prayers that would be so appreciated.


On the flip side…. I thought I would share some recent pictures that I took of some primitive goodies.  As you noticed, I did change my header of my blog.  That beautiful crock bowl was left to me by Shawn’s grandparents.  They both passed away not too long ago, and his grandma made sure that she put my name on it.  Isn’t it gorgeous?!


I was also left this old clock.  I loved it when I saw it in their family room and I instantly thought to myself that it must hold a story.  Oh and did it ever hold a story.  It came from Harpers Ferry, WV.  I was told by Shawn’s grandma that it came over in an old covered wagon.  Pretty neat – huh?


Here are a few other pictures.  This is my favorite winter decoration this year.  I bought this at Sara’s Herbs and Everlasting.  This snowman caught my eye immediately.  I walked in the front door and fell in love with him.  Just look at that face!!

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What do you think?  Pretty stinkin’ cute – huh?  I just loved him and his place where he stands is right on my kitchen table.  That way he will bring a smile to my face every day.


Here is a new light that I picked up at Sara’s as well.  I am thinking of either putting it in my laundry room or my half bath.  I will have to keep you posted on that.


Here are a few other random pictures that I thought I would share with you.  This first one is a picture of my front door.  I didn’t have any ribbon, so I thought I would use dried oranges.  It added a little something, but it wasn’t too much.  I thought it was a pretty good idea for not having any ribbon or homespun laying around (lol).


Here is our Christmas tree this year.


And here are some random pictures of my little man, in happier/healthier days.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.  Blessings to all of you as the holidays approach.  It really truly has been nice blogging again.  I have really missed this.

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Love, Prayers & Many Blessings to each and every one of you!!